Prevent Referral Process – September 2018

Prevent Referral Process – September 2018 On Monday 24th September 2018, a new pilot scheme is being launched across Surrey to streamline the way statutory agencies can report a Prevent concern to the police and Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub. The new National Prevent referral form is attached here, which from 24th, is the only way to

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Keeping Children Safe in Sport

A cross sport event supporting welfare officers in sports clubs and organisations across Surrey as part of Parents in Sports Week. Following a safeguarding survey of voluntary organisations by the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board (SSCP) and to coincide with the 2018 Parents in Sports week the SSCP, Surrey County Council and sports organisations across Surrey

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SSCP Conference 2018

‘Acting Early to Improve Outcomes for Children in Surrey’ Surrey Safeguarding Children Board (SSCP) are holding their annual conference on Thursday 29 November 2018 at H.G. Wells Woking Conference Centre, Church Street East, Woking, GU21 6HJ from 9.30 to 4.00 pm. The conference will focus on early intervention and responding to children experiencing neglect, with

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Information sharing: advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services

Guidance on information sharing for people who provide safeguarding services to children, young people, parents and carers. This advice is for practitioners and senior managers. It helps them decide when and how to share personal information legally and professionally. It might also be helpful for practitioners working with adults who are responsible for children who

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Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018:

The 2018 version of Working Together to Safeguard Children statutory guidance on inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children was published on 4 July 2018. Also published were transitional arrangements, statutory framework, and introductory letters from DfE and the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel. This guidance is for: local authority chief executives

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Day of Memory event for victims of honour killing – Friday 13 July 2018

Surrey Police are proud to support the annual Day of Memory for victims of honour based abuse which is initiated by the Karma Nirvana charity. The annual commemoration falls on 14 July, the birthday of Shafilea Ahmed, who was aged 17 when she was murdered by her parents in 2003 for refusing a forced marriage

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Safe children: together we’ve got this!

Child Safety Week is run by Child Accident Prevention Trust to raise awareness of the risks of child accidents and how they can be prevented. We provide a range of resources to help practitioners run local activities and events and promote safety messages in a fun and engaging way. Child Safety Week 2018 will take place between

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Domestic abuse awareness week Monday 11 June 2018 – Friday 15 June 2018

Domestic Abuse awareness week will take place this year from Monday 11 June 2018 – Friday 15 June 2018. The aim of the week will be to increase awareness around the signs to look out for that a family member or friend could be in an abusive relationship.  The call to action will be to

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Surrey Integrated Substance Misuse Service – Tier 4 Inpatient Detoxification Consultation

Surrey County Council (Public Health), Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP) and Catalyst are consulting with local residents and partners about changes to drug and alcohol detoxification services for adults, including community and inpatient provision. The consultation period around the provision of Tier 4 inpatient drug and alcohol detoxification services is due to

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Make a difference this Foster Care Fortnight (14 – 27 May

This Foster Care Fortnight, Surrey County Council is urging residents to find out more about fostering. We need carers for all ages, from newborn to 18 and for our Supported Lodgings Scheme for young people aged 16-21. If you want to know more about becoming a foster carer call the team on 0800 096 9626

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Signs of Safety model of practice for Child Protection Conferences

Please see the new briefing note which updates partner agencies on the implementation of Signs of Safety model of practice for Child Protection Conferences.     It is designed to update practitioners working with children and their families on what’s happened so far with regards to the implementation of the Signs of Safety approach in Surrey and

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Surrey Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

The 2018 update of the Surrey Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy is now published and available online.

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Surrey domestic abuse strategy

This Surrey domestic abuse strategy 2018-2023 has now been published on the Healthy Surrey website.  

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Surrey Police Partnership Intelligence

Surrey Police is relaunching and increasing awareness of the Partnership Intelligence Form; a means for partners to quickly and efficiently share intelligence. New step by step guidance has been drafted and there is a new simplified version of the form. Simply follow the guidance and submit to: This is not a means to: report

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National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day 18 March 2018

National Charity NWG Network asks all to unite against child sexual exploitation for their National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Raising Day – 18th March 2018 The National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day aims to highlight the issues surrounding CSE; encouraging everyone to think, spot and speak out against abuse and adopt a zero tolerance to

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National Safeguarding Month

To mark the start of National Safeguarding Month on 28th February, UK Youth, the largest national body for the youth sector, is calling on all organisations that work with young people to Stop what they’re doing, Look at their safeguarding practices, Listen to young people and take action before the end of March. The month

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Together for Young Carers

A partnership event: promoting a range of innovate co-designed initiatives developed with young carers Thursday 19 April 2018 10am – 3pm: Dorking Halls Cinema To find out more click here  

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Message from the Director of Surrey Children’s Services

Dear Colleagues Our overall ambition for children in Surrey is that each and every one of them is happy, healthy, safe and confident in their future. Our absolute priority for all of those children who need our help, care and protection is that they are ‘seen, safe and heard’. The way we work with children

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6th February – Safer Internet Day 2018

Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 6 February) is about promoting the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people. This year’s focus is ‘Create, Connect and Share Respect: a better internet starts with you’.

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‘A People Uncounted’

Surrey Gypsy Traveller Communities Forum presents an award winning film …‘A People Uncounted’  

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Surrey celebrates ‘White Ribbon County’ award for tackling violence against woman and girls

The commitment of agencies in tackling violence against women and girls has been hailed in Surrey after it was recently announced as only the second official ‘White Ribbon County’ in the UK. The White Ribbon Campaign is part of a global movement to put a stop to male violence against women and girls. It focuses

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#amisafe domestic abuse campaign launched 1 December 2017

A new social media campaign has been launched by the Surrey Against Domestic Abuse Partnership that will shine a light on the complex nature of an abusive relationship. The campaign has been designed to engage audiences with ‘snack-able’ content over the coming weeks, so that within no more than a few seconds at a time,

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STOP, SPEAK, SUPPORT – Royal Foundation’s Cyberbullying Taskforce campaign launches

The Royal Foundation’s Cyberbullying Taskforce campaign – Stop, Speak, Support – was launched Thursday 16 November.  The campaign is led by the Royal Foundation, with support from partners, including NSPCC, Google, Facebook, Snapchat and the Diana Awards, The campaign has been designed by young people for young people and it aims to help young people stop cyberbullying,

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SSCP Conference: 22 November 2017

Book now to secure your place at this year’s SSCP annual conference which is being held on 22 November 2017 at Epsom Downs Racecourse. The theme is adolescents and their wellbeing with a focus on mental health.  A variety of renowned speakers will present their work and delegates will have the opportunity to attend workshops

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CSE Action Plan Updated

Today, the SSCP has updated its CSE Action Plan and published a summary of progress to date . The actions contained in the new plan have been agreed by all partners and reflect the feedback we have had from a wide range of stakeholders, including children and their families, inspectorates and front-line staff from across

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ACT: Action Counters Terrorism advertising campaign

With the terror threat becoming increasingly complex and varied, police are calling on communities to act on their instincts to help prevent atrocities taking place in the UK and overseas. The 6th March 2017 saw the launch of a national campaign by Counter Terrorism Policing urging the public to act on their instincts to help

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SSCP CSE Strategy and Action Plan 2016 -17 published

Child Sexual Exploitation Strategy and Action Plan published Surrey Safeguarding Children’ Board (SSCP) has published a revised CSE Strategy and Action Plan, both these documents can be found on our Professionals Guidance and Resources pages. The strategy and action plan respond to findings from the recent CSE Peer Review. This is the first time that

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Surrey Levels of Need (Threshold) Document

The revised Levels of Need Document has been published.

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Keeping Children Safe in Education (2016)

The updated statutory guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education (2016)’ will come into force for schools in England on 5 September 2016. The NSPCC has published a summary of key changes to the guidance. The summary can be found here.

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Female Genital Mutilation Procedure

The government has published new multi-agency statutory guidance on FGM. We have amended our related procedure to include links to the updated guidance and are currently reviewing the FGM procedure. We will post a note when the review is completed and the updated FGM procedure is published.

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Child Safety Week It’s child safety week! The Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) runs Child Safety Week every year and this year’s theme is ‘Turn off technology’ Please visit CAPT’s webpages for free resources, an action pack, information for parents and ideas about how to get involved.  

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