SSCP CSE Strategy and Action Plan 2016 -17 published

Child Sexual Exploitation Strategy and Action Plan published

Surrey Safeguarding Children’ Board (SSCP) has published a revised CSE Strategy and Action Plan, both these documents can be found on our Professionals Guidance and Resources pages. The strategy and action plan respond to findings from the recent CSE Peer Review.

This is the first time that the partnership strategy and action plans have been made available publicly. It provides a robust framework for the delivery of agreed actions across the partnership to address CSE in Surrey and demonstrates a clear commitment by partners to tackle CSE in Surrey.

All members of staff working directly with children are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the revised strategy and action plan. We will continue to work in partnership and are confident that the agreed actions outlined in the action plan will ensure children in Surrey are protected from CSE, and feel safe in their communities.

For further information, please contact Karl Mittelstadt, CSE Partnership Manager, SSCP (