Day of Memory event for victims of honour killing – Friday 13 July 2018
According to new research by Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO) the number of cases of honour based violence, forced marriage and FGM reported to the police in the UK has increased by 53% since 2014, but only 5% make their way to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).
14th July 1986 – 11th September 2003
Would you:
- Recognise the warning signs of honour based abuse?
- Know the prevalent communities?
- Understand the trials of a forced marriage on young people?
- Report long term absence and recognise the excuses that are often used?
- Fulfil your duty of care and report it before it’s too late?
We believe that being aware is one step closer to safeguarding vulnerable people, who research shows are most at risk of forced marriage between the ages of 15-18. These are prime years for GCSE preparation and A-Level finals. Honour based abuse and forced marriage is happening in Surrey and since 2014 there have been about 127 reported cases, with 23 perpetrators being charged.
A partnership approach to tackling honour based abuse and forced marriage is needed. In support of the Memorial Day, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey is funding an event on Friday, 13 July from 9.15am – 1pm at Dorking Halls. Guest speakers include:
Charlotte Baker, co-founder of Not in My Classroom set up in response to the criminalisation of forced marriage. Her presentation will cover:
- An introduction to Forced Marriage
- Spotting the warning signs
- Useful resources
- Case studies
Jaria, a survivor of Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage:
- Hear of her own personal experience, and how she escaped a forced and abusive marriage to set up a new life in the UK, now training as a social worker.
Followed by Q&A session with:
The key speakers, Surrey Police Force Advisor DC Seema Taylor as well as local NGOs such as True Honour and Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum (SMEF), who offer specialised support.
To book this FREE event please click here
For any further information please contact DC Seema Taylor / tel: 01483 637217