#amisafe domestic abuse campaign launched 1 December 2017
A new social media campaign has been launched by the Surrey Against Domestic Abuse Partnership that will shine a light on the complex nature of an abusive relationship.
The campaign has been designed to engage audiences with ‘snack-able’ content over the coming weeks, so that within no more than a few seconds at a time, perceptions about domestic abuse can be challenged.
Detective Chief Superintendent Jon Savell, Surrey Police’s Head of Public Protection, explains the rationale behind the campaign:
“Saturday was the International Day against violence against women and girls, and as a White Ribbon county we all pledge to work as hard as we can to eliminate this. But, the work for us continues 24/7 as we try to make our domestic abuse victims feel as safe and supported as we possibly can. There is constant activity going on with us and all our partners in the Surrey Against Domestic Abuse Partnership to provide better outcomes for those who find themselves beginning the long journey towards recovery from abuse, but my main message today is: If you are in an abusive relationship and want help we will make sure you get it. If you are worried about a friend or family member, call us and we will give you the support to help them.”
By using social media to publish short videos and posts about many different facets of domestic abuse, it is hoped that the campaign will increase awareness on just how an insidious human issue domestic abuse is, and the terrifying reality that victims face.
Topics covered in the campaign will include:
- Coercive control
- Rape
- Stalking and harassment
- The many ‘faces’ of DA
- How friends and family can spot the signs
- Domestic homicide
- The role of the police
- Our outreach services
- A survivor’s story.
Each of these topics will be released on the Surrey Police Social media platforms, Surrey County council social media platforms and many other partners across the county. Key to the success of this campaign will be to share any post or tweet with the #AMISAFE as widely as possible throughout our communities and direct anybody who needs to find out how to stay safe and get help to the Surrey Against Domestic Abuse Website. In an emergency always dial 999.