STOP, SPEAK, SUPPORT – Royal Foundation’s Cyberbullying Taskforce campaign launches

The Royal Foundation’s Cyberbullying Taskforce campaign – Stop, Speak, Support – was launched Thursday 16 November.  The campaign is led by the Royal Foundation, with support from partners, including NSPCC, Google, Facebook, Snapchat and the Diana Awards,

The campaign has been designed by young people for young people and it aims to help young people stop cyberbullying, know what steps they can take to stop it happening, and provide support to the person being bullied.  It is aimed at 11 – 18 year old bystanders in online bullying situations, with a supporting campaign for parents. The campaign highlights three simple steps that bystanders can take if they witness bullying – Stop, Speak, Support. The three steps have been created in response to young people saying that it is the only area of their lives that’s missing clear expectations and regular reminders on how to behave.

The main campaign website can be viewed here, and the campaign animation can be found and embedded from here.

The key message for young people of Stop, Speak, Support is that when the banter turns bad, there are three things you can do to help. Stop and pause before reacting, speak to a trusted adult or friend, and support anyone being bullied online.

 For schools, teaching materials to support the campaign, as part of Anti-Bullying Week, have been developed and can be found  here on the Anti Bullying Alliance website.

We have also developed advice for parents who seek to reinforce the code’s message and discuss how to talk about cyberbullying.  This advice is on the NSPCC website and can be found here .  The advice encourages parents to help your child to be an upstander not a bystander when they witness cyberbullying by using this code for online life. Stop, Speak, Support.