Prevent Referral Process – September 2018

Prevent Referral Process – September 2018

On Monday 24th September 2018, a new pilot scheme is being launched across Surrey to streamline the way statutory agencies can report a Prevent concern to the police and Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub.

The new National Prevent referral form is attached here, which from 24th, is the only way to submit a concern that someone may be vulnerable to radicalisation or extremism.

To assist this new process, we have created a “Front Door for Prevent” to avoid agencies having to duplicate information on separate referrals.

The new email address has been created which will share the form with both the police and the MASH, to allow the safeguarding concerns to be assessed alongside any police risk.

Should you have any questions or want to give feedback about the process, please contact Claire McDonald, Prevent Supervisor for Surrey on 01483 632982.