Safe children: together we’ve got this!
Child Safety Week is run by Child Accident Prevention Trust to raise awareness of the risks of child accidents and how they can be prevented. We provide a range of resources to help practitioners run local activities and events and promote safety messages in a fun and engaging way. Child Safety Week 2018 will take place between 4th-10th June 2018, this year’s theme is Safe children: together we’ve got this!
What is the theme for?
For parents it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the demands that come with family life and keeping children safe can feel very challenging.
For practitioners the reality is that there are fewer staff and less resource than ever, so child safety can seem a challenge to effectively address.
We get this.
Child Safety Week is here to help simplify the issues and highlight the quick win’s and most effective ways to have an impact.
The message from the theme to you is that by making the most of Child Safety Week and the resources CAPT produces and by working in partnership with other local agencies, we can get child safety right.
Much of the excellent work that goes on with families is about supporting them to grow in confidence and become effective parents. Feeling empowered to keep your child safe is an important and practical step towards this.
So use the theme to profile your work with families and show them that with your advice and support they can get child safety right.
Big or small, taking part in Child Safety Week will help you and the families you support to feel confident about keeping children safe. Together we HAVE got this!