White Ribbon Campaign
White Ribbon Campaign
The White Ribbon Campaign aims to educate and raise awareness of violence against women, and to engage men in these issues. Wearing a White Ribbon is a personal Pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women. Each year, on 25 November, the White Ribbon Campaign urges as many people as possible to take their pledge and sign up to wear a white ribbon. The 25 November is the chosen day because this coincides with the ‘International day against violence against women and girls.’ This year the White Ribbon campaign will also be raising awareness on some of the cuts to services and how these can impact on disclosures and keeping victims of domestic abuse safe. You can find out more about the White Ribbon Campaign at www.whiteribboncampaign.co.uk
In surrey, White Ribbon day presents an opportunity to talk to you, our community, about the many ways in which we can begin to eradicate domestic abuse in the county. Domestic abuse is never about ‘just’ physical abuse. It is psychological, emotional, financial, sexual…anything at all in fact where one individual is exerting constant intimidating behaviours over their partner or family member. So what can you do…
- In an emergency always dial 999
- Call the Surrey Against Domestic Abuse helpline on 01483 776822. This is open 7 days a week from 9am – 9pm
- If you are a friend or family member and you need advice on behalf of someone you believe is experiencing abuse you can find help on www.refuge.org.uk
- Speak to your GP in confidence
- Visit www.surreyagainstda.info for more information
Contact: Juliet Smith juliet.Smith@surrey.pnn.police.uk
Phone number 101 + 33219 or 07973 957235