New CSE Procedures now live

The SSCP has published revised CSE procedures. Staff across all agencies with responsibilities for CSE, or those members of staff working directly with children should familiarise themselves with these new procedures. The new CSE procedures support the introduction of improved delivery structures, which went live on the 1st July 2017.

Key changes include:

  • Area Missing and Exploited Children’s Conferences (MAECCs) and the MAECC Oversight Group have been replaced by a quarterly ‘CSE/Missing Practice Improvement Forum’ with a focus on developing consistency and identifying and sharing best practice across the partnership
  • The weekly ‘triage meetings’ have been replaced by weekly ‘CSE Risk Management Meetings’ jointly chaired by Children’s Services and Family Service. These meetings are responsible for overseeing children assessed as high or medium risk of CSE and to consider all new referrals to establish risk ratings and agreed actions to address the identified risks.
  • The disruption of known and suspected perpetrators will now be managed via existing Community Safety Structures at District and Borough level.
  • Whilst the weekly Risk Management Meeting retains responsibility for confirming the initial risk rating, and for closing CSE Safety Plans, the responsibility for overseeing low-risk cases rests with the lead professional from Children’s Services or Family Services

For further information, please visit the SSCP Procedures Manual or contact Karl Mittelstadt, CSE Partnership Manager (